Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Final Paper

This semester, I really enjoyed this course, i learned so much new materials through this evening class, and met new classmates/ new friends. There was lot of new things i learned this semester about Germany, German people, lifestyle, German food, German history, and German culture. Before this course began, i didn't know when Germany became a country and after taking this course i learned that Germany became a country in 1871 in one government. Also before this course has started, i knew little about the berlin wall and after this course i know more about the berlin wall. I actually didn't know Germany had some many different states and after this course that was another thing i learned.
i do have to say that German people are lot different than i thought. I personal thought that German people was just partying all the time. After this semester, i learned that they work hard themselves and they are just like the Korean culture.
After this class, I learned so much more about their culture. I think that lots of people in Germany do keep their traditions and i think that the younger generation loses the German traditions.
This semester my biggest surprise was how big of a festival they have when it comes to music. I thought that American people took music more serious but i personally think people from Germany take it more seriously than us. Even different genres of music such as Metal or Techno, they have huge festival than us.
There was few things that i enjoyed about this class. I definitely enjoyed meeting new classmates especially for a big class. Typical big class like german 110 you wouldn't really meet any new people. Having group projects made you meet new friends and new classmates. One other things i really enjoyed was watching a movie in class. This semester we watched two movies. I really enjoyed watching those movies because you can learn new things by watching different movie from different country. It is nice to change things up a bit in class because doing same thing in class can get very boring and dull sometimes. By watching movies in class we can relax and enjoy learning new things.

Diese Semester habe Ich mich Deutsch Kulture 110 Unterricht erfreut. Ich habe viele neue wesentlich gelernt durch der abendliche Unterricht und Ich habe neuen Kommilitonen und neuen Freunde. Ich habe gelernt über das Deutchland, das Deutsche Volk, der lebensstil, das Deutsche Essen, die Deutsche histori, und Deutsch Kulture. Bevor diese Kurz begonnen hat, Ich hat nicht gewusst, wenn Deutschland ein Land angefangt hat.  Nachdem diese Kurz genommen hat, habe Ich das Deutschland gelernt, dass Sie in 1871 eine Regierung eins angefangen haben.
Bevor das Unterricht begonnen hat, habe Ich klein herum die Berlin Mauer. Ich hat nicht Deutschland andere Staaten gewissen und das war andere etwas gelernt hat.
Ich muss gesagt hat, Deutsch Leute sind sehr andere. Ich habe gedacht, dass Deutsch Leute immer Partei gegangen bin. Nachdem diese Kurz über war, haben Deutsch Leute hart gearbeiten und Sie haben koreanish Leute nachgeraten. Ich denke, dass Deutch Leute ihr tradition behalten haben. Ich habe so sehr gelernt, Sie ihre tradition behalten habe und ich denke, die Junger Leute werden ihre Tradtion verlieren.  
Ich habe diese semester  überrascht mit dem Musik. Ich habe gedacht, dass Amerikanish Leute am größesten Festival gehabt hat aber Deutsch Leute sind am größesten fan. Sogar mit das Metal und der Techno.
Ich habe mir diese Unterrricht erfreut. Ich habe neuen Schulkamerd getroffen und du meist nicht nenue Leute getroffen hat weil die Unterricht sehr groß ist. Ich habe neue Leute durch der arbeitsgemeinschaft. Ich habe wirklich ein Film erfreut. Diese semester haben wir zwei Film gesehen. Ich habe neue Materalien gelernt weil das Film Leute neue Materalien gelernt hat. Ich habe gedacht, dass wir in Film gesehen hat, es nicht gelangweilt hat.

Rammstein Presentation (redone)


Monday, May 5, 2014

20th and 21 century inventions and industries

Worked with Elijah Wething, Brian Richter, Zachary Schmitz


- My task was to find out invention in Germany in 21st Century
- Ich muss 21st jahrhundret um erfindung in Deutschland finden. 

-My work partners were Elijah Wething, Brian Richter, Zachary Schmitz
- Ich arbeite mit Elijah Wething, Brian Richter, Zachary Schmitz

-I complete the task by researching 21st inventions
- Ich habe 21st jahrhundret erfindung erforscht.

- No suggestion.
- Keinen Vorschlag

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Women and Men in Germany in the 20th and 21st Century

With April Anderson, Krissy Avant, Brianne Stamer, & Jason Rewerts

- My task was to find out Women and Men in Germany in the 20th and 21st Century
- Ich muss in 20th und 21st jahrhundret in Deutschland Frauen und Manner finden. 

-My work partners were Brianne Stamer, nate Kleene, Tyler Reiata, Nicole Huges, and Brian Richter
- Ich arbeite mit Brianne Stamer, April Anderson, Krissy Avant, and Jason Rewerts.

-I complete the task by researching women and men.
- Ich habe Frauen und Manner erforscht.

- No suggestion.
- Keinen Vorschlag

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Berlin Calling

1. What do drugs mean to Ickarus?
Drugs makes Ickarus relax/ calm. The drugs are able to help him create his music and makes him be more creative with himself and music. Being a DJ at a night clubs, drugs have lot of pressure on Ickarus and of course it makes him feel good. Drugs are sometimes too important to him that he even cheats on his girlfriend. 

Drogen macht Ickarus ruhig. Drogen schafft ihm mit seiner Musik hilft und macht ihm mehr kreativ und seiner Musik. Ickarus haben vielen druck weil er ist einen DJ und er fühlt sich sehr gut. Aber Drogen ist sehr wichtig für ihm und er hat seine Freundin geschummelt. 

2. Why, when, and how are his fans taking drugs, and which drugs do they take?
The reason the fans take drugs is because they want to part of the music, the club, and with the artist. If one of the fan didn't take any drugs i personally think that they would feel left out. I am pretty sure they took ecstasy and cocaine and they would take by snorting the drugs or putting them in their mouth. If they would take ecstasy, the fans would take about one or two a night. 

Ventilatoren nimmt Drogen weil Sie wollen gegenstand von die Musik, der Club, und der Künstler sein. Wenn Ventilatoren nicht Drogen nimmt, werden Sie nicht gegenstand von die Musik, der Club sein. Ich werde sagen, dass Sie eine Ekstase und ein Kokain genomment haben und Sie schauben mit ihrem Nase dann ihren Mund. Sie würden eins oder zwei abend nehmen. 

3. While we can see that his drug habits get him ill and into a psychosis, and while we witness his relapse and inability to work successfully, why does the subculture Ickarus belongs to focus on drugs? 
the reason they are part of it or want to be part of it because they want to party all night. The problem is that when they continue to do this every night they get more addicted to the drugs. By keep doing it it makes it worse because once they are addicted to it, it's really hard to get out of it. Sometimes they do it because they want to hide their own pain that they are going through. 

Sie wollen gegenstand von der Club sein weil Sie wollen die ganze Nacht feiern. Aber wenn Sie immer zu dem Club gehen, werden Sie drogen ergeben sein. Sie machen immer, es wirst schilmmer sein und es wirst nicht mit Drogen bezwingen. Manchmal machen Sie Drogen weil Sie ihr schmerz verstecken wollen. 

4. Compare the standards you know from your home society with the people you see depicted in this movie. Which are the stark differences and contrasts?
I would say that Germany is a huge party country just because I personally have been with the German exchange students. Every thursday night they would go out to the bars and party and drink until the bars close. I feel like in Germany they are open to having sex in public with anyone and even with same sex. Where as here in US, it's not really common for people to have sex in public. Usually American people would go back to their places and have sex with their partners.
With drugs, I feel like all the people would do drugs at the clubs since they are no cops are around and nobody cares if you do it or not since everyone is doing it. 

Ich würde sagen, dass Deutschland eine große Partei ist weil Ich habe mit Deutsch devisen Leute gefeiert. Jeden Donnerstag Nacht werden Wir zu dem Balken und Partei gehen. Wir werden einen Alkohol tricken bis dem Gitter hat gescholssen. Ich fühle mich, dass Sie in Detuschland Sex mit anderen Leute haben und mit sogar homosexuell. In US, es ist nicht häufig aber Amerikanish Leute haben sex in öffentlich. Ich denke, dass Amerikanish Leute zurück ihrem Haus für sex mit andere person gehen. Mit Drogen, Ich denke, dass alle Leute drogen in der Club machen seitdem Sie keine in der Club Bullen haben. Die Leute machen nicht sie egal. 

5. Germany is considered a strong industrial nation the world over. Do you think that the youth culture as depicted here could change that? How about work ethics of Ickarus and of Alice, the label director who fires and then re-signs him?
I would say that Germany is definitely strong industrial nation. We can see how far they have come especially with the auto industries and it's still growing. I personally think that they are really strong when it comes to auto company. I would say yes and no. I know that my German friends does work hard at work and parties hard at night but for some of my friends they just want to have fun and not work hard. I would say that it goes both way for different people. Ickarus work ethics are good when he is sober. He creates great music when he is sober.
With Alice, i think she saw a great potential in him and He stopped doing drugs and sobered up. that's why she re-signed him.

Ich würden sagen, dass Detuschland sehr stark industriell Land ist. Wir können sehen, wie Sie haben weit mit dem Auto industriell gekommt und es ist doch zunehmend. Ich denke, dass Sie sehr stark mit dem Auto industreill sind. Ich würde sagen ja und nein. Ich weiße, dass mein Deutsch Freunde wirklich hart arbeiten und Sie machen sehr harte partei aber einige Freunde wollen viel spaß machen und Sie wollen nicht hart arbeiten. Wenn er bescheiden ist, hat Ickarus eine gute arbeitsethik. Mit Alice, Ich denke, dass sie in Ihm ein tolles potenial gesehen hat und er hat mit Drogen gestoppt und sie hat ihm gekündigt.

6. Which similar "cult movies" of US origin have you seen, if any?
I think they are many same or similar movie just as berlin calling. Something close like this would be jersey shore but those guys don't really work at all. With jersey shore, they party hard every night and getting drunk. Only thing we don't see is drugs. We don't know if they do drugs or not but probably they do. 

Ich denke, dass wir selbe oder ähnlich haben. Ich würde sagen, Jersey shore aber Sie arbeiten nicht. Jersey Shore machen ein Partei sehr hart und Sie sind immer betrunken. Nur sehen wir nicht mit drogen. Wir weissen nicht, Jersey Shore Leute machen Drogen oder nicht machen. 

Overall Viewing Experience
My personal experience of this movie was very fascinating and amazing. I really loved this movie. This is actually my 2nd time watching this movie. When I watched this first time, I would kind of shocked what they showed in the film. Just because with nudity and sex. Especially in America, nudity and sex is not something they show on movie. If it does show it would say rated R on it. 
The film really caught my attention in the beginning. The music that they played was amazing. Of course after watching the movie i did some research on myself. The music from the movie was from Paul Kalkbrenner himself and his brother Fritz Kalkbrenner. I personally think they these two brothers are amazing and talented. One thing caught my attention in the film was when Ickarus got in the subway he started recording the noise from the subway. Which I thought it was very creative.
I really enjoyed watching 
Ickarus changed through out the movie. He really had hard time from the beginning and in the middle of the movie. It got so bad that they had to be in the hospital. It wasn't really easy for him to be there and also people from the hospital. I personally thought they he made friends while he was at hospital and started to make better music while he was there. I personally think that going to the hospital was the best thing for him and also his record not working out with Alice. When you are at the worst of the worst in your life you really have think twice about what you are doing and your future. If Ickarus didn't pass out from the drugs, we wouldn't know what would happen to him and he might of died from overdose or something. At that moment when he had to go to the hospital he probably thought that it was the worst thing in the world. Also he probably thought that losing that record was end of the world for him. We can see how mad he got since he broke and destroyed everything on Alice's office. Overall, this movie was fantastic and this is a movie, I can always come back and watch. 

Ich habe gedacht, dass das Film sehr gut und toll war. Ich liebte diese Film. Ich sah vor 2 Jahren diese Film. Als ich erste diese Film gesehen hat, ich war schockiert mit dem Film weil Sie eine nacktheit vorgeführt. In USA, Sie schauen nicht in das Film eine nachtheit und einen sex. Wenn Sie eine nachtheit und einen Sex schauen, würdt das Film in bewertet R. Das Film hat mir aufmerksamkeit in einen anfang. Das musik, von das Film war von Paul Kalkbrenner und seinen Bruder Fritz kalkbrenner. Ich denke, dass Paul und Fritz sind sehr gut und begabt. Das Flim hat mir aufmerksamkeit, wenn Ickarus der lärm von der Zug aufgenomme hat. Ich habe gedacht, dass Ickarus sehr kreativ war.
Ich habe mich wirklich das Film erfraut weil Ickarus geändert hat. Ickarus hatte hart zeit von der anfang und mittel. Ich habe gedacht, dass er in das Krankenhaus neue Freunde gemacht hat aber es ist nicht einfach für Ickraus und für die Leute in das Krankenhaus. Ich habe gedacht, dass er in das Krankenhaus beste für ihm ging und nicht berufstätig mit Alice. Als du schlechteste mit deine leben ist, musst du mit deiner leben denken und deine zunkunft. Wenn Ickarus nicht von Drogen  umgekippt hat, werden wir nicht mit Ickraus passieren weissen und er viellecht gestorben hat. Er hat in dem krankenhaus gegagen müssen und er hat gedacht, dass es nicht gut war. Wir können sehen, dass er abgebrochen hat  und er hat alle in das Alice Büro zerstört. Überall, Diese Film war sehr gut und ich kann immer weiter sehen.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hw 3-19

In 20th century, Germans had a huge impact on sicence and technology. Germany had notable researchers in many different science category such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, and engineering. During 20th century, Germany had the most noble prizes in sciences than any other nations.  
Physics: Albert Einstein and Max Planck were very crucial to the modern physics and later on Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger dug in deep with physics.
Wilhelm Röntgen discovered x rays which he won Nobel prize in physics in 1901.
Chemistry: Emil Fischer won nobel prizes in 1901 and Carl Bosch and Fredrich Bergius won in 1931. Otto Hahn discovered nuclear fission.
Engineering: In Germany there has been many famous inventors and such as Johannes Gutenberg. He created movable type printing. Hans Geiger created Geiger counter and Konrad Zuse built the first computer.

In 20th Jahrhundert, Deutsch Leute haben viele eine große wissenschaft und eine techologie zusammengepasst. Deutschland hatte deutlich Forscher in viele andere wissenschaft kategorie. Beilspiel physik, mathematik, chemie, und teniker. in 20th Jahrhundert, Deutchland hatte meist "edel preis" dann andere Land.
Physik: Albertin Einstein und Max Planck war sehr wichitg zu moderne Physik und später gingen Werner Heisenberg und Erwin Schrödinger weiter mit physik.
Wilhelm Röntgen hat eine Durchleuchtung entdeckt und er hat in 1901"edel preis" gewonnen.
Chemie: Emil Fischer hat in1901 "edel preis"gewonnen und Carl Bosch und Fredirch Bergius hat in 1931 gewonnen. Otoo Hahn hat eine atomkernspaltung entdeckt.
Teniker: In Deutschland haben viele berühmt ein erfinder und igenieuer. Beilspiel: Johannes Gutenberg. Er hat bewegliche lettern entworfen Hans hat einen Geigerzähler entworfenund Konrad Zuse hat erst ein Computer entworfen.

In 21th century, Josef Bille developed of wavefront technology for laser eye surgery. Josef is a professor in University of Heidelberg. He invented “a method for maping irregularities in the cornea with unprecedented precision and fine tuning the lasers to repair the eyes (EPO).  With this development, He corrected, far sightedness, and astigmatism. 

In 21st jahrhundert, Jose Bille hat ein technologie für ein Laseraugenoperation. Josef ist einen Professor in Universität von Heidelberg. Er entwickelte eine genauigkeit schnitt und mit Epo. Er hat eine kurzsichtigekeit, eine fernsichtigekeit, und eine hornhautverümmung.

20th century German women in society: Women in Germany society restricted by 3 “K” words: Kinder, Kirche, and Küche.
West Germany: They became homemakers and mothers. They had important role on Shaping West German culture in the 60’s by having American styale products and keeping up with technology in modern household.  In 1977, women were granted of “women’s equal rights in marriage”. Which meant that they can work outside of home and file for divorce without getting permission from the husband.
 East Germany: They remained in the workforce. The government gave them educational and vocational opportunities.

20th jahrhundret Deutschland Frauen in eine gesellschaft: Deutsch Frauen hat drei K worter. Kinder, Kirche, und Küche.
West Deutschland: Sie waren eine Hausfrau und Mütter. Sie waren sehr wichtig für die gesellschaft in der West. Deutschland Kultur in die 60er Jahre, Sie haben ein Amerikanishes Produkt und Sie haben Amerikanish materialien benutzt. In 1977, Sie haben mit Frauens geliche rechte in der ehe gewährt. Sie könnten darußen arbetiten und Sie könnten eine scheiden abelgen ohne seinem Mann eine erlaubnis.
Ost Deutschland: Sie in arbeitskräfte geblieben aber die Regierung hat eine bildung und beruflich gegeben. 

21th century German women in society: Traditional image men and women that taken extreme in 3rd Reich: Female mother cult and male Faternity. These stereotypes not yet been culturally processed. 14%  German mothers with one child works fulltime and 6% of those with two.

In 21st jahrhundert Frauen in eine gesellschaf: Manner und Frauen haben ein Bild von das Reich. Die Faru war eine Mütter kult und einen Mann war einen bruderschaft. Diese stereotypen war nicht bearbeiet. 14% mutter arbeitet ganztägig mit einem Kind und 6% mutter arbeitet ganztägig mit zwei Kinder

Friday, March 7, 2014

Rammstein Powerpoint


Thursday, February 27, 2014

2-21 hw (Group Work)

Group Work

1. Himmelstoss had a huge transformation throughout the book. He was an innocent postman before the war and during the war he was a man who wanted power and he also treated the soldiers who were below him in ranking very poorly. He proves to the other soldiers that he is not that tough. He is sent to the front to fight he gets just as scared as some of the other soldiers which results in him trying to make amends with other soldiers. In the end, not everyone can be so brave and only want power.

2. Paul Baumer – A relationship forms between him and Kat throughout the chapter. Without spoken words they become best friends.

Stanislaus Katczinsky (Kat) – Forms a strong friendship with Paul when they capture a goose to eat.

Tjaden – Goes on house arrest after being very sarcastic to Himmelstoss

Corporal Himmelstoss – Shows his authority when Tjaden harasses him.

3. I'll quiet on the western front takes place during world war I and shows how the war can turn boys into men very quickly. It starts out when the boys are young men and areally recruited into. The war by a man named Kantoreck who has a very powerful way of persuading boys to Eliot themselves into the war. After they enlist, the young men realize that the training camp is not a vacation spot. They also realize that Corporal Himmelstoss is not a person to mess with. He thinks that he is much more powerful than the rest of the men whose rankings are below his. When the men are called to the front Himmelstoss and the rest of the men realize that everybody has a to have a fear of something. During the first half of the Nov Paul and Kat form a very good friendship that lasts until the end when they both die.

The novel also talks about what the men will do after the war. Many of the answers were to find a girl or just get drunk. Little do they know at the time and they all die in the war. Not just physically but emotionally as well.

4.   In this chapter, there are a few important events that stand out throughout the story. With a brief overview, Paul and his comrades continue to become very close, and develop a likewise mentality in which they all share. There are several instances throughout this chapter in which Paul and his friends display closeness and camaraderie. They have a shared interest in their display of authority, their adult life being in war, and not to mention their age. Paul and his friends were brought into war so early in their life, therefore they no nothing other than war, and that is a shared mentality they all possess.

            To start off with, Mueller is asking all of the others what they plan to do after they get home from war. In reality, they know nothing other than war, since they were involved at such an early age. Because they are so young, many of their answers reflect their potential immaturity. Haie and Tjaden both reflect on something that they currently do in the army. Haie claims that he will remain in the army, simply because his previous civilian job is so awful. In reality, he really has this idea because he is so currently and heavily involved, it seems to be the only thing his mind can imagine. War is the only thing these men know, and is how they are living their lives.

            Later on in the chapter, Paul and Kat attempt to steal some geese they heard about earlier. Kat only gets away with one goose, and brings it back to their hooch to cook it and eat with Paul. In this instance, Kat and Paul connect with one another. They do not necessarily speak to another, but there is an intimate connection that Paul feels with Kat. I suspect this is because they have a shared mentality through the war. Not only that, but they have a shared mentality towards authority, as well as the other soldiers do. All the soldiers have a shared mentality towards Himmelstoss, which helps show the men are on the same level, and can have a shared mentality in order to become closer. With that being said, Kat and Paul have a shared closeness that even some lovers don’t have. While roasting the goose, they have time to shy away from war, and have a peaceful time to just think and reflect on the situation they are both in, and how they are in it together, doing the same thing at the same level. Paul is a young man and very inexperienced, so this is a new part of his life, and, how he sees it, is his future.

            Lastly, the men reflect on their views towards authority, regarding Himmelstoss in particular. They have been at war long enough to fully understand their position in the war, and don’t fully respect Himmelstoss anymore. Himmelstoss regards Drill and Ceremony as important, if not more important, than actual warfare. The men, on the other hand, have experienced war first hand, and, if you will, grew up in warfare. Because of this, they understand that Himmelstoss is pompous, and does not reflect the best interest of the men, hence losing respect of the men. I believe this goes to show how military authority can go to any man’s head, regardless of current status, military or civilian. This ties into how Paul and his friends have a close-knit relationship and how they can reflect upon one another how they are all in same position, disrespect the same man, and view their future as what they are all experiencing throughout that time.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ch 5 All quiet west front

Reading through ch 5 we can see their pains and emotions being in the war. Müller asked everyone about what they wanted to do after the war but Krupp felt hopeless about everything and and his future. Others still had hopes about their future. Most of the soldiers in the war forced into the military and none of them knew when the war was going to be over. Through all this process the soldiers are not getting alone with each other and has no respect. 
Seeing those kind of things really popped out for me and seeing their sadness and happiness. 

Ich habe Kaptial 5 geselen und wir können ihr gefühl und sorgen in der Kreig sehen. Müller hat alle gefragt, was wollten Sie machen nachdem krieg über war. Aber Krupp hat hoffnngslos gefült. Andere Leute hat eine hoffnung für ihr zukunft. Alle Solaten haben in der Kreig und das Militär gezwungen und Sie wissen nicht, wenn der kreig beendet hatte. Alle Solaten mögen nicht andere Solaten und Sie haben keine respekt einander. Alle beispiel, Ich kann see Ihr eine traurigkeit und ein glück.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

German pirate party (Group Work)

The Pirate Party (Piratenpartei Deutschland)


The Pirate Party was founded in September 10th, 2006 in Berlin, Germany. The party is currently headquartered in Berlin as well. The German Pirate Party is in agreement with the Swedish Pirate Party and is in partnership with the Pirate Parties International. In August of 2012 there were 35,000 members. The parties current Party Leader is Thorsten Worth.

Notable Joining Members

  • February 2009, The City Councillor of Strausberg, Jens Knoblich joined the Pirate Party Germany.
  • June 2009, Bundestag member, Jorg Tauss left the SPD and joined the Pirate Party.
  • August 2009, Herbert Rusche, one of the founding members of the German Green Party and in the 1980s, the first openly homosexual member of parliament in Germany, joined the Pirate Party.


Begin clip.
The party supports the preservation of current civil rights in telephony and on the Internet; in particular, it opposes the European data retention policies.
The party favors the civil right to information privacy and reforms of copyright, education, genetic patents  and drug policy.
In particular, it promotes an enhanced transparency of government by implementing open source governance  and providing for APIs to allow for electronic inspection and monitoring of government operations by the citizen.
The Pirate Party also supports an unconditional basic income for citizens and direct democracy. End clip.

According to political theorist Oskar Niedermayer, the party sees itself as part of an international movement to shape the digital revolution and transition into a information society. With their focus on freedom in the net and their fight against government regulations. The group has caught the attention especially of the younger generation. The network policy was the core identity of the party, it is now more than just an advocacy party of digital natives. The Pirate Party characterizes itself as a social-liberal-progressive.

Notable Election Results

2009 German Federal Election

In the 2009 German Federal Election pm September 27, 2009, the Pirates received 845,904 votes which was only 2.0% of the vote. Needing 5.0% to secure any seats in the Bundestag they fell short. However, this was still the best result among parties that did not meet the 5.0% threshold. Also noted among first-time male voters, the party received 13.0%.

2009 European Parliament Election

In the 2009 European Parliament Election The Pirate Party received 229,117 votes which was 0.9% of the vote. Needing at least 5.0% of the vote they did not earn any seats.

German State Elections

(Note: To gain seats you need to recieve 5.0% of the vote or more)
  • 2009 Saxony State Election the Pirates received 1.9% of the vote.
  • 2009 Schleswig-Holstein State Election the Pirates received 1.8% of the vote.
  • 2009 Hesse State Election the Pirates only received 0.5% of the vote.
  • 2010 North Rhine-Westphalia State Election the Pirates received 1.5% of the vote.
  • 2011 Hamburg State Elections the Pirates received 2.1% of the vote.
  • 2011 Baden-Wurttemberg State Election the Pirates received 2.1% of the vote.
  • 2011 Saxony-Anhalt State Election the Pirates received 1.4% of the vote.
  • 2011 Rhineland-Palatinate State Election the Pirates received 1.6% of the vote.
  • 2011 Berlin State Election the Pirates received 8.9% of the vote and managed to gain 15 seats in the State Parliament.
  • 2012 Saarland State Election the Pirates received 7.4% of the vote and gained 4 seats in the State Parliament.
  • 2012 Schleswig-Holstein State Election the Pirates received 8.2% of the vote and gained 6 seats in the State Parliament.
  • 2012 North Rhine-Westphalia State Election the Pirates received 7.8% of the vote and gained 20 seats in the State Parliament.
  • 2013 Lower Saxony State Election the Pirates only received 2.1% of the vote.
  • 2013 Bavaria State Election the Pirates only received 2.0% of the vote.

Number of Members

Decline in Numbers and Polls

Begin clip. After those successful state elections, the party was able to score up to 13% in nationwide polls. However, after a lengthy array of scandals and internal disputes which were handled unprofessionally and picked up by the media, the party lost the trust of voters and entered a steady decline in polls. End clip.
At the 2013 German Federal Elections the Pirate Party suffered a major defeat where it was only able to achieve 2.2% of the votes, leading to the resignation of party leader Bernd Schlomer. The Pirate Party has often been criticized as well for the lack of women in the Pirate Party. At the height of the parties popularity they had over 35,000 members.

Past Party Leaders

 Bernd Schlomer, Sebastian Nerz, Dirk Hillbrecht, Chrstof Leng, and Jens Seipenbusch.





Pirate Party

Previous leaders for Pirate party: Bernd Schlömer, Sebastian Nerz, Dirk HIllbrecht, Christof Leng, and Jens Seipenbusch.

People who joined the party: Jörg Tauss and Herbet Rusche

Current Leader: Tharsten Wirth

In September 27, 2009
The party received 2.0% in German Federation Election but they could not retrieved any seats Bundestag. Since the result didn't go to plan, the party received public allowance.  

In 2011, the party received 8.9% and winning the seat and once again in 2012 they won again.

Vorherig Führer war: Bernd Schlömer, Sebastian Nerz, Dirk HIllbrecht, Christof Leng, and Jens Seipenbusch.

Andere Führer hat die Pirate Partei beigetreten:  Jörg Tauss and Herbet Rusche

In der 27 September, 2009 hat die Party 2.0 % in der Deutsch Bund erhalten aber Sie haben nicht gewonnen. Weil oft das ergebnis nicht gut war, haben Sie der Publik Anrechnung. 

In 2011, hat die Partei 8.9% erhatlen und Sie haben der Sitz gewonnen. 2012 haben Sie abermals gewonnen!
